Exposed: The Hidden Network Undermining Responsible Pesticide Policy

An international consortium of investigative journalists and news organizations has just uncovered a troubling web of influence linking major pesticide companies, regulatory policymakers, and government-funded initiatives shaping pesticide regulation worldwide.

What is the Bonus Eventus Pesticide Network?

Bonus Eventus is a "private social network" funded in part by U.S. taxpayer dollars. Created by v-Fluence, a PR firm founded by former Monsanto executive Jay Byrne, Bonus Eventus profiles and attacks critics of pesticides and GMOs and actively works to block pesticide policy reforms aimed at improving pesticide safety and public health.

Key findings of the investigative report include:

  1. The Bonus Eventus pesticide network includes profiles of over 500 environmental advocates, scientists, and others deemed threats to industry interests. These profiles include personal information such as home addresses, family members’ names, and even property values.

  2. The network includes more than 1,000 members, among them agrochemical executives, pesticide industry lobbyists, and government officials involved in pesticide regulation. Notably, more than 30 current government officials are members, mostly from the USDA.

  3. Indirect funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), totaling over $400,000 between 2013-2019.

  4. Profiles of prominent figures such as UN experts Hilal Elver and Baskut Tuncak, who called for stricter pesticide regulation, and well-known food writers Michael Pollan and Mark Bittman.

  5. The network effectively disrupted a 2019 conference on pesticide impacts in Kenya, where 40 percent of the population works in agriculture, and where workers are routinely exposed to pesticides that are banned in the United States and Europe.

It’s particularly troubling that government officials are involved in a network designed to increase the pesticide industry’s power and discredit the science about the impacts of pesticides. This conflict of interest within pesticide regulation likely compromises the integrity of pesticide oversight, increasing the risk of public health impacts and negative environmental consequences.

Global Pesticide Use: Facts and Figures

The global pesticide market size is expected to reach $108 billion in 2024 and grow to $181 billion by 2031. Since 1990, global pesticide use has roughly doubled. Pesticides play a significant role in modern agriculture, promising increased crop yields and food security. However, their widespread use comes with substantial risks to human health and the environment. Pesticides have been linked to numerous health issues such as dermatological, gastrointestinal, neurological, carcinogenic, respiratory, reproductive, and endocrine effects.

Moreover, pesticides contribute to climate change through their production and use. Many synthetic pesticides are derived from fossil fuels, and their manufacturing is especially energy-intensive.

pesticides pesticide regulation application sprayer safety environment human health

Implications for Food Safety and Public Health

The existence of a network like Bonus Eventus has far-reaching implications for food safety and public health. When industry interests are so closely intertwined with regulatory bodies, it becomes difficult to ensure that decisions about pesticide use and safety are made solely in the public interest.

The pervasive nature of pesticide exposure and weak pesticide regulation is alarming, particularly in agricultural regions with high pesticide use. An estimated 385 million cases of unintentional acute pesticide poisoning occur annually worldwide, affecting about 44 percent of farmers globally and resulting in approximately 11,000 deaths each year. Farmers aren’t the only ones who experience health effects, however. A recent UC Davis study found that 22.6 percent of adults and 9.1 percent of children in California's Central Valley show detectable pesticide exposure.

Long-term exposure to pesticides is linked to chronic health issues such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive problems. The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified certain pesticides like glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Children are particularly vulnerable, with pesticide exposure associated with pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems.

pesticides worker spraying regulation safety cancer farmer farmworker

The PFAS Problem: "Forever Chemicals" in Pesticides

Adding to these concerns, recent research has uncovered the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or "forever chemicals," in many pesticides used on food crops and in homes. One study found that 14 percent of all active ingredients in pesticides are PFAS. These chemicals, found in the blood of an estimated 98 percent of Americans, have been linked to various health issues, including cancer, obesity, and thyroid disease.

The Economic Costs of Pesticide Exposure

The economic burden of pesticide exposure and inadequate pesticide industry regulation is significant, with far-reaching impacts on public health and agricultural productivity. The United Nations Environment Programme estimated that the cost of acute pesticide poisoning in Sub-Saharan Africa alone at $90 billion between 2005 and 2020 due to health care expenses and lost workdays. And according to the UN, the global economic cost of pesticide use - both in terms of environmental damage and human health impacts - is likely to be widely underestimated.

These statistics underscore the urgent need for stricter regulation and oversight of pesticide use, as well as greater transparency in the relationships between industry and regulatory bodies.

pesticides danger regulation safety unsafe spraying field public health

The Role of Transparency in Responsible Food Business

At the Center for Responsible Food Business, we believe that transparency is fundamental to a safe and ethical food system. The existence of hidden networks like Bonus Eventus undermines public trust and raises questions about the objectivity of pesticide research and regulation.

Transparency is not just about disclosing information; it's about ensuring that all stakeholders - from farmers to consumers - have access to accurate, unbiased information about the products used in our food system. This includes full disclosure of potential health and environmental risks associated with pesticide use.

Moving Forward: Recommendations for Industry and Policymakers

To address these challenges and promote a more responsible approach to pesticide use, we recommend the following:

  1. Increased transparency in pesticide policy discussions, including full disclosure of industry-government interactions.

  2. Greater funding for independent scientific research on the long-term effects of pesticide exposure.

  3. Stricter regulations on industry-government interactions to prevent conflicts of interest.

  4. Enhanced monitoring and enforcement of pesticide residues in food products.

  5. Increased support for alternative pest management strategies that reduce reliance on chemical pesticides.

The revelation of the Bonus Eventus pesticide network serves as a wake-up call for all stakeholders in the food industry, highlighting the urgent need for pesticide regulation reform and greater transparency.

As consumers become increasingly aware of these issues, there's a growing demand for responsibly produced food. This presents an opportunity for forward-thinking businesses to lead the way in adopting more sustainable and transparent practices.

At the Center for Responsible Food Business, we call on all stakeholders - from industry leaders to policymakers to consumers - to demand greater accountability in our food system. Only through collective action can we ensure a food supply that is not only abundant but also safe and sustainably produced.

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